Out With the Old, in With the New Version of the Old

102_0185Kickin’ It Old School

Call me old fashioned, but I enjoy listening to records more than Mp3’s. They sound better. Mainly when it comes to the older music I like though. It’s dumb to buy most new release albums on vinyl. Digital recording to Analog recording = bad. Analog recording to Analog recording = Good. But I’ll save that for a different blog.


I fully anticipate the day where my children come up to me and say, ‘Dad, your old magazines are so cool. I wish they still made these.” Similar to conversations I had with my Dad about his record collection. By this time i imagine they will get their ‘magazine’ fill from tablets or those dorky glasses that google just released. Thats a joke, my kids will not be allowed to purchase dorky google glasses.  While magazines and newspapers are still very alive, the rise of tablets and smartphones has definitely created a ‘new frontier’ for the newspaper and magazine industry. Giving them all new ways to approach their ads.

The Rise of the Tablet

So, Apple sold its 100 Millionth iPad in October. 100,000,000. That is a whole lot of iPads. And each one of those iPad’s has the capability to view endless newspapers or magazines. And fortunately for people wanting to advertise on tablets, Apple isn’t the only company producing them. Meaning there are countless millions more tablets out there. So obviously, this has become a priority for many people when it comes to creating ads and thinking of new ways to convey their ideas. Why would you not focus on the medium that has at least 100,000,000 potential viewers?

R.I.P. Newspapers…Maybe

So according to these guys, Newspapers aren’t doing so well. Check this out:


Long story short, newspapers are losing advertising revenue. Revenue is somewhat of a critical portion of advertising. Oh yeah, online parts saw growth. Figures.

The Digital Age

Everything is going digital. Everything. To think newspapers and magazines would be excluded from this is wrong. And the revenue numbers show that. While there are people, like me, who prefer the old over the new, a digital takeover is coming. Or already happening. Probably already happening.

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